MandarineSlice: sa reciclam din clasici


Hopefull pessimist...and I am sure the world has not seen enough of me...just as I have definitely not seen enough of it! ;)

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

sa reciclam din clasici

O melodie mai veche dar aproape inima mea

Angun - Snow on the Sahara

Si una noua, dupa una veche (a lui the Eagles) colona sonora de la Sex and the city - The Movie (imi pare rau ca nu am gasit un clip cu imagini mai semnificative in acest sens)

Indie Arie- The heart of the matter



Blogger Sahara Penguin said...

Acolo, in Sahara cu zapada e de mine...

May 13, 2008, 1:09:00 PM  

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