Wake me up...kindda song
Try waking up to this :
U'll have a better day :D
(best complete version I could find on YouTube..sorry :S)
Labels: Music
Hopefull pessimist...and I am sure the world has not seen enough of me...just as I have definitely not seen enough of it! ;)
Try waking up to this :
Labels: Music
god, cat de yummylicious poate sa fie solistul de la killers :D
Da flori nu vrei ?(il kiama Flowers);)...si e casatorit ...sa-l pastram la nivelul de "eye candy" ;))...whaddaya say?
offf, casatorit.. :((
da...imi pare rau sa te dezamagesc...eu orikum nu-mi doream nik mai bun decat ce am ;) iar idolii sunt mishto sa-i lasam akolo pe piedestal k altfel ne pot dezamagi (but he's damn hot ...yeah ;)
this just in...!!! Brandon Flowers e castaorit dar e mormon (poate avea mai multe sotii)...asha ca..daca vrei sa-l imparti...inca nu e timpul pierdut;)
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