things we never get enough of
I just thought of Xmas today and I realised tomorrow is ST. Nicholas ( a Romanian holiday I am very proud of...beacuse I, unlike some Romanians I know, still celebrate Romanian holidays and I don't care much for Thanksgiving or Halloween ;)...I don't really wish for much this year. I have this leather sack- like- chair or chair- like- sack I want from my folks ...pardon me... from Santa...but other than that I'm good and I'll feel quite capable to get the things I want myself sooner or later...let the kids have their fun this Christmas!!!
But man oh man...Santa..there are some things in this world I never get enough if you could spare some of those and send them my way this year I just couldn't refuse you...No way!
So let's see now:
- My boyfriend's sister needed some super glue I realised there's never any super glue around the can never get enough of that
- Blackberries...are rare and scarce and they taste so bittersweet good...I can never gat enough of those
- Chocolate...don't think I need to go into details there
- Long mornings in bed watching funny TV shows with animals or kids acting funny
- love...absolutely no comment there
- cats, kittens and basically anything cute small and furry that seems to be alive just to make you smile
- good music...the kind that stirrs up feelings you can hardly describe
- the morning light through my window
- the sea side
- tweezers...never around when I need one
- can never have to many pairs
- Earl Grey
- Orange marmalade
- movies in his company
- chocolate chip cookies
chocolate MIDNIGHT cookies :)
iar vrei sosete, mey? :))
orange :-? gotta taste that!!
P.S. Compotul de mandarine rocks!!
nu e singura.pot sa depun marturie ca you can never have too many socks!:))
Smufa la alea am kam renuntzat ca de cand cu stomacu' si cu shtresu' s-a produs regresu...sau mai bine mai am voie sa le mananc la miez de noapte!
Skandalouz...dar compotul de mandarine e bun dar dulceata de portocale e mai "pacatoasa"- sinfull that is!
Si bliss...merem amandoua la instanta sa depunem o shoseto-petitie? ;)
of, mey, Albi, n-ai intzeles nimik. sa-ti mai dau nishte clues. münchen, cornet imens, mozol, orgasm? :) nici d-ala nu mai ai voe? la cornet ma refer..:))
eu vreau compot de lychee in aceeasi ordine de idei..
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