A brand new chanCe/chanGe
And so we find ourselves in this brand new year! A chance for changes...a new chance to start all over again...
I used to be glad for this new chance, but now I wonder...is it really neccesary to start anew...I mean aren't some of things I've done so far worth holding on to? Should I try to start from scratch?
This Xmas was the first one I spend away from home...it was a "meet the parents" kind of holiday...I met HIs parents...I was freakin' shittin' in my pants...but in the end they turned out to be "human" and really cool humas at that! So I guess you could say the changes came faster this year, even before the New Year - the first Xmas away from home, in the company of people other than my family, first NEW Year's eve with nothing planned, in the company of the hundreds of people gathered in Piata Universitatii, first New Year when I knew that if I summed up my problems they would definitely come in greater than my solutions.
But hey...it's a fresh start...right...I'm supposed to be all refreshed and ready to start the new year with some heavy loads of positive thinking! Dunno...Santa prolly forgot to bring me fresh doze of that..cose I am still pessimistic and gloomy!
I have all the elements I need for a happy, succesful life... just not the skills I need to turn it into one just yet!
This new year finds me astranged from friends, not knowing where my values lie, not so much in love with my job, a little like driftwood...a leaf blowing in the wind...one of those snowflakes that doesn't have what it takes to turn into snow and so it keeps drifting on different air currents just hoping to find one that would lead it home! It's been a fun filled holiday with loads of new people and events...and now I have this whole new year in my hands that I just don't know how to handle!
Who knows!?! Maybe I'll be enlightened as to its purpose soon...till then I make no resolution and no change...I'm just hoping to survive...
welcome back, but why so gloomy?
welcome back, but why so gloomy?
shhh...it's just a temporary state of mind...I am actually hoping to look back on this post in few days and realise that I was being silly...this way I sense an improvement from the 1st few days of the new year! I know! I know! I'm all fucked up!!! :D
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