MandarineSlice: Finally! A POSM that matches!


Hopefull pessimist...and I am sure the world has not seen enough of me...just as I have definitely not seen enough of it! ;)

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Finally! A POSM that matches!

"Prietenul CoolzOr" m-a incantat astazi cu aceast superb POSM pentru Ford Limited Edition Ranger Extreme, un model cu 30% mai mult spatiu de depozitare. Ce mi s-a parut si mai interesant a fost ca acest POSM s-a nascut si cu ajutorul being brilliant is not enough...sometimes you have to look at the numbers.
Iata cum a decurs totul:
"Question is, where would you reach the right audience? Research showed that many truck buyers are in blue-collar industries such as auto repair, construction and plumbing and that they tend to gather in specific after-work pubs. Opting for a medium like matchboxes could give the opportunity to both illustrate the product benefit and be useful to the target audience."Iata si rezultatele:

"5,000 matchboxes were distributed amongst potential buyers at these pubs. On the box, Ford’s website address was printed so the curious could see what the truck looked like and book a test-drive. Over 1600 people visited the website, of wich 450 booked a test-drive. 300 finally test-drove the car. The Limited Edition Ranger extreme was sold out a month ahead of schedule."

Agency: JWT, Malaysia



Blogger proro said...

foare misto ideea.
si mie mi-a placut f mult cand am vazut executia.

Apr 10, 2007, 2:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

in 4 randuri ai folosit de 3 ori cuvantul posm

nu ca nu stiu ce inseamna cuvantul, dar mi pare ca te dai mai destept decat esti

no offence...

Apr 11, 2007, 11:05:00 AM  
Blogger albeenah said...

cum zici matale...oricum daca ma dau fi mai desteaptA...dar cred ca e mai degraba vorba de o lipsa de inspiratie din partea e nevoie sa fii rautacios! hai voie buna!!!

Apr 11, 2007, 11:24:00 AM  

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