MandarineSlice: m-au refericit rau urmatoarele


Hopefull pessimist...and I am sure the world has not seen enough of me...just as I have definitely not seen enough of it! ;)

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

m-au refericit rau urmatoarele

Campania la Havaianas sandals este pur si simplu bestiala!!! O explozie totala de optimism specific de vacanta. O imaginatie deborbanta a celor de la Almap BBDO, Brasil...dar avand in vedere de unde de mirare ca totul e atat de colorat si minunat! Am decis sa pun chestii pozitive pe blog de acum asta cred ca ar fi cel mai bun inceput...Bravo Baieti!!!
Aici gasiti si site-ul conceput in aceeasi maniera...o calatorie a spiritului si a spotul merita cautat prin jungla aceea vesela ;)

Mommy ...teach me how to draw like that!!!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

daca vrei sa le ai in format mare, poti incerca chestia asta :D

May 23, 2007, 12:36:00 PM  
Blogger albeenah said...

10xs...maine mi le fac wallpaper :D

May 23, 2007, 7:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


May 25, 2007, 10:14:00 AM  

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