MandarineSlice: Advertising going all natural


Hopefull pessimist...and I am sure the world has not seen enough of me...just as I have definitely not seen enough of it! ;)

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Advertising going all natural

  • Natural habitats and unnatural disasters
First all time favorite...WWF..advertising that shines...every time and it's not even made by the same agencies

1st print is by Uncle Grey, Denmark, 2nd is by Ogilvy Portugal...guess news about saving the environment is spreading

  • Natural beauty - a very smart, slick add for girlies that want the perfect tan ;)

  • Natural cathastrophies - by playing hard!



Blogger verde ursuz said...

E ciudat! Chiar astazi am descoperit site-ul cu reclamele astea si acum le gasesc si aici! Am vazut niste lucruri foarte interesante acolo, unii oameni chiar au imaginatie!

Aug 5, 2007, 6:58:00 PM  

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