MandarineSlice: September 2009


Hopefull pessimist...and I am sure the world has not seen enough of me...just as I have definitely not seen enough of it! ;)

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

the beauty of all living things

M-am hotarat sa ma impac cu mine. Eram putin certata si foarte confuza. Acuma sunt doar confuza, dar macar m-am impacat. Mi-am dat seama ca nu mai imi place de mine pentru ca nu mai imi place ce fac (nu neaparat ce fac ci poate CUM fac, cum ma COM-plac aiurea intr-o situatie vicioasa). Si era cat pe ce s-o iau de capat. Noroc cu o vaza cu pene de paun pe care am conceput-o duminica seara. Cred ca ea va fi salvarea mea. Mi-am dat seama ca vaza mea e frumoasa si ca sunt inca capabila sa aduc lucruri frumoase pe lume. As vrea sa incerc sa fac asta in continuare. Nu stiu cum exact, nici cand anume, nici nu stiu cat de bine imi va fi semi-desprinsa de sistem...dar as vrea sa petrec mai mult timp acasa, in casa cu mine. Sa-mi dau buna dimineata si sa ma intreb la tot pasul cum ma simt pana voi sti sigur ca ma simt bine. Si doar starea asta vreau sa-mi intre in rutina :). Pana la urma e dreptul nostru al tuturor creaturilor de pe pamant sa ne simtim bine si sa facem lucruri frumoase. "Poate" nu vine de la "probabil", "dubitabil" poate vine de la "se poate"... si nu ai cum sa stii daca se poate daca nu incerci :)

Monday, September 21, 2009

Love keeps us young

I've been neglecting you and I am sorry. I don't owe anything in particular to the rest of the world, but to you my semi-transparent, ever-so-tired, ever-so-considerate and patient half-conscience I owe at least a blog post once in a while to check in. I don't know where to start telling you about me, the lately-me. I've been watching things disintegrate around me for a few weeks now. My job, my grandmother even something that I thought I could never measure in years or experience. I was soo confused and dazed off, soo determined one day and so disillusioned the next, with a tightly strapped on seat-belt, on a high-speed roller coaster, I wouldn't even have known when or how to describe what I was feeling. I still don't! And as much as I try to turn this into a professional advertising blog, filled with clever observations about the new, ingenious campaigns in town or out of town...mostly out of... I still have to take some personal time from time to time to get down to so social issues or maybe just personal issues percieved as a social trend. So what I've observed during my somewhat personal, professional and global crisis (for once they coincinde!) could be summed up as follows:
- When the rope tightens around your neck your friends turn into jackals timing your death so they can quickly take your place. In more precise terms...everybody's got a different idea of what this economic crisis is. Some of us have been doing so well and living with our heads so up in the clouds that we think cutting down the Xmas bonous or not getting those extre few weeks of vacation is the crime and punishment of this global disaster. This while others loose thier jobs completely or are held up until the late hours of every working day with the same shitty pay just because their boss has carefully studies the rules of manipulation and exploitation. None of the above is my case nor do I wish it to be. In any case this crash is really bringing a crushing, ruthless and rather rude nature out of people, a side of them you kindda knew was there, but never really wished to see.
- Marriage does change things. I never thought I'd admit it but it DOES. Luckily if love is there, things will quickly change for the better no matter what road they take at first. Love and a bit of understanding ;)
- Our bodies are mere shells...we treat them like tin cans for the first part of our lives pumping them with energy, sports and optimism, only to treat them like porcelain in the ladder part, pumping them with beauty creams and youth formulas, only to treat them like crap in the end pumping them with pills, negativity and blaming them for all our passed, present and future cracks. And in the last part of our lives our bodies are really the only things keeping us down to earth. I have seen so much old age at such a young time that I don't even fear it anymore...I just simply want to skip it, from the first really serious sign that my body's breaking down.'s getting harder and harder to draw a conclusion in here! let's just say this is part one. The Guvernor says the crisis might diminish by next year...what can I tell you...I want mine to be disappear completely...cose I wanna enjoy my time here 'till time breaks my body down.

It is only when you love someone that your heart can keep is because you're using it...exactly for what it was created. Love does not grow old or tired and everything about love is still crispy and fresh. If you know how to treasure and nurture it right after years and years on you can still enjoy a cucumber, while all the others are feasting away on sour pickles!

Thursday, September 03, 2009

"Minunatele animatii ale lui Carlos Lascano

Carlos Lascano s-a regasit in arta. In 1997, termina Dreptul insa decide sa nu-l practice niciodata. Avea pana atunci o multime de realizari in pictura, fotografie, productie cinematografica, scenografie, editare video si a cazut de acord, impacandu-se cu sine, ca filmele scurte reprezinta chemarea lui. Asa se face ca din 1998, Carlos isi incepe munca si reuseste cateva colaborari cu McDonald's sau Telefonica, producand animatii cu iz de advertising. In '98 primeste un premiu in SUA pentru "Marionettes". In 2000, este distins cu Georges Meliès Prize pentru "Les Amants". In 2002, pleaca in Spania, provocat fiind de Telefonica, si produce "Perverse Game". Cel mai cunoscut ramane "The Legend of the Scarecrow", pentru care a primit pana acum nu mai putin de 20 de premii. Momentan, Carlos este freelancer si se bucura de o libertate deplina...Ce poate fi mai frumos? Va invitam sa urmariti cateva productii, putin mai jos."

Adica aci

Deci ...dupa cum puteti vedea titlul nu-mi apartine nici informatiile despre schimb imi apartine descoperirea lui pe ziua de azi si sunt altruista si mandra de ea :D

Si daca tot n-a renuntat advertisingul inca la mine....Iata si 3 spotulete bestiale de la maestru talentat, speram ca nu foarte mic...insa puternic;)

AL BALAD - Beethoven from Carlos Lascano on Vimeo.

AL BALAD - Ghandi from Carlos Lascano on Vimeo.

AL BALAD - Napoleon from Carlos Lascano on Vimeo.

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Tuesday, September 01, 2009


What is real is not the external form, but the essence of things... it is impossible for anyone to express anything essentially real by imitating its exterior surface.
Constantin Brancusi

Si el era unul dintre ei. Astazi a fost ziua Revelatiei. Poate de azi incolo voi putea fi si eu unul dintre ei si Brancusi va fi unul dintre noi. Asta imi doresc.