MandarineSlice: thought for the end of the week


Hopefull pessimist...and I am sure the world has not seen enough of me...just as I have definitely not seen enough of it! ;)

Sunday, January 21, 2007

thought for the end of the week

Prosperity leads to mental chaos!
The more I think about it ...the more I am convinced that man should only be concerned with fullfiling his basic needs in life: staying healthy, having a job, a good home, a good fuck now and then and a restfull sleep in the evening. The more prosperity and complexity we have in our lives, the more we think about ways of complicating it...and we succed in doing so! We don't need lots of money and free time on our hands...not constantly...maybe just as a bonus from time to time...otherwise we completly loose it!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

nu stiu ce sa cred ca din contra, avem nevoie de cat mai multe chestii in plus. dac-am ramane doar la basic needs ce ne-ar mai deosebi de animale pan la urma? ;)

Jan 22, 2007, 8:57:00 AM  
Blogger albeenah said...

ai si tu dreptatea ta...dar ce incercam eu sa zic...e ca un om care are acoperite nevoile de baza o sa inceapa sa-si creeze probleme akolo unde nu's doar de dragul de a-si gasi un scop in viata! Asa cu "basic needs" ai scopul ales si nici nu iti complici pre mult existentza. mergi la sigur...Imi aduc aminte ce bine invatzau unii studenti de la ASE care erau din provincie si altfel nu primeau loc la camin. Nevoia ii impingea sa fie mai buni si sa dea tot! Eu ma zgaiam la TV-u toata ziua si pierdeam noptile prin rog...nici k mine nici k ei nu e bine..dar makar ei erau focused! Nush ce incerc sa zic..e luni adun and I'll get back 2 u ;)

Jan 22, 2007, 9:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

cine a invatzat, mei? cine a invatzat? tradare, tradare, da sa stim si noi! eu in afara de Oana M nu-mi amintesc de nimenea.. oare am imbatranit? aaa k sa nu uit..vezi ca vin maine dim. :))

Jan 23, 2007, 12:06:00 PM  
Blogger albeenah said...

Tropoteiiii....tropotel..Bogdan si dihania..etc..c'mon erau destui care stateau cu notili in bot ;)
de abia mi te astept

Jan 23, 2007, 1:11:00 PM  

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