temele sociale de azi...alcoolul si tzigarea

Labels: advertising, photography
Hopefull pessimist...and I am sure the world has not seen enough of me...just as I have definitely not seen enough of it! ;)
Labels: advertising, photography
Labels: cugetari
Labels: advertising, photography
Labels: cugetari
Labels: cugetari
I want to see what people saw
I want to feel like I felt before
I want to see the kingdom come
I want to feel forever young
I want to sing
To sing my song
I want to live in a world where I belong
I want to live
I will survive
And I believe that it won't be very long
If we turn, turn, turn, turn, turn
Then we might learn
So where's the stars?
Up in the sky
And what's the moon?
A big balloon
We'll never know unless we grow
There's so much world outside the door
I want to sing
To sing my song
I want to live in a world where I'll be strong
I want to live
I will survive
And I believe that it won't be very long
If we turn, turn, turn, turn
Then we might learn
Learn to turn
Labels: Music
Labels: advertising, photography
Seara. Ne tinem de mana strabatand o strada usor animata in apropierea centrului. Muncitori repara soseaua poluand seara cu suntele infundate ale unei betoniere. Totusi sunt fade si prea departe de gandurile mele sa le dau atentie. Sunt invadata de acelasi verde calm si ma gandesc la infinitate si cat de simplu ar fi sa ma pierd in ea. Cotidianul e departe de mine. Simt doar o singura respiratie in afara de a mea. Ascult. E frumos sa-mi aud gandurile soptite de altcineva. Mai ales de el. Nu, nu ma sperie. Ma incanta. Ma relaxeaza. Ma poarta departe.
Desi a necesitat multa munca de convingere (10xs Cireshel)...iata-ma pe IQads...cu un articol relativ subtil despre comunicarea interna intr-o agentie de publicitate...pentru cei ce vor sa intzeleaga si cei ce stiu sa citeasca printre randuri!
Labels: advertising