MandarineSlice: October 2008


Hopefull pessimist...and I am sure the world has not seen enough of me...just as I have definitely not seen enough of it! ;)

Thursday, October 30, 2008

seeing you through

At the frontier of the skin
No dogs patrol
At the frontier of the skin
Where I end and you begin
And lose my soul

Salman Rushdie

...I try to look beneath your skin
I lift it up to see within
I try to think that every wrinkle
Was dug by something that made you tinkle
That made you shiver from inside

It's like you use your skin to cover up and hide
from me...

Face to face is never close enough
And discovering what you're made of is tough
Tougher and tougher day by day
With every blink you give away
A thought inside you is locked up tighter
I wish I was made up more ...
like a fighter
To drill until I reach the essence
that which we dance around is the quitessence
Till then I reconcile with just the simple view of you
And every wrinkle that makes me tinkle
And every layer of skin
That hides you from within!


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

What's the techno story...morning glory?

Sa ne incepem dimineata cu un zambet, o cana fierbinte de cafea si una bucata piesa muzica buna ;)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

the last drop...

It was quite chilly outside. She lit a cigarette and sunk her head and neck deeper into her coat. The alley was dark and silent. At times, steam rose up from the manholes, interrupting the sheer darkness of the alley.
Her lighter wasn't working usual. But the third time she struck it, the flame poked it's head up quickly only to be blown away by a quick gush of wind. She did her best not to let any of this get to her. She kept looking at her watch impaciently and sinking her head deeper into her scarf and coat. She was looking insistently at a backdoor of what seemed to be a diner of some sort.

She was waiting for Mark. He owed her 500 bucks. She'd just confront him, have him give her the money and then end this whole relationship they were supposedly having. Today had been a horrible day. ..

She woke up after a hard night out, only to find the hot water in the building had been shut off. She was filthy, but couldn't take a shower. She looked for some breakfast, but Mark had finished all the cereals and left the dirty bowl of milk right on the table. She just fed her cat and dressed to get out of the house as soon as possible. Soon as she was in the bus she realised she left her wallet at home..but it was too late to go back for it. The way to work was long and she knew it would be better if she had a ticket, but of course she didn't...and of course the arogant ticket agent cought on and gave her a hard time.

"You'll need to get off at the next bus stop! Here's your fine!"

No amount of pleading or explaining was able to move the guy. He handed her the fine then walked away. She got off the bus and threw the fine into the nearest trash can..."Here...Whoever finds this ...can pay it...thus change the crime rate in this Goddamn city!!!"

She was late for work...the boss had a fit...he made her work overtime for the floowing 2 days. The collegue that had it in for her, got a promotion that same day and walked by her desk smirking and grinning. It was already around lunch time when she called up Mark and asked him if she could come over to the diner and have some lunch with him. He said he was busy, as the place was packed with customers....It didn't seem like that when she passed by for her business meeting downtown. The place was empty and Mark was nowhere to be found. She called him on the phone, he said he was still swamped and couldn't talk.

In the evening, as she was heading back from her business meeting, it started to rain and she had no umbrella. Even if she wanted to buy one from a shop nearby (if she had the money), the shopkeeper shut the door in front of her...saying they had just closed.

It was 7 p.m. now and she was waiting for Mark at the back door of his diner, in that dark, creepy alley!...She had enough! She wanted her money back and then she never wanted to hear from him again!The cheating bastard!!!

"Hey sweetie...wacha doing in this dark alley at night?" she heard a voice she hoped would be Mark's. Instead, from the shadows, emerged a tall, skinny guy dressed in rags. She wouldn't have payed much attention to him except for the sharp light the blade of his opened pocked knife threw into her eyes.

"So...what the hell do you want?" she started yelling. This was just the kind of thing needed to set her off..."Want my fucking purse ? Here...All yours!!! " she said emptying her purse on the pavement...just some lipstick and a bag of snacks came out!

"Want something to eat? Here"..she said smashing the bag of snacks on the guys head! "Help yourself!!! " The pieces of snacks burst out of the bag, as the breadcrumbs got wet and stuck to the guys hair and face.

"Want a piece of me!" She said...taking off her coat and slamming it in his face! "I'm all yours honey! Wet and bothered!!!"

The guy took a step back, a bit frightened by the show he was witnessing!

"Wait...where are you going? We're not finished! You haven't fucked me in the rain...Everyone else has today...except my boyfriend...who never seems to be around...esspecially when I need him!"

"Forget it...lady! You're nuts!!!"

"Nuts huh? Wanna see haven't got a clue! "She said as she started screaming as hard as she could. All the anger of the day so far had broken out into that one single scream. The guy disappeared before she had a chance to close her mouth...

"I am not nuts... I just had some fun last night and now I am paying throught the nose!" she sighed.

"I'm not nuts! I'm just a perfect product of this FREAKING CITY!!!" she gave out one last yell.

The alley was now quiet. The rain might have stopped, she didn't know...she could no longer hear anything. She was tired and all this was senseless. She picked up her clothes and purse and started walking home...slowly, her own pace...while the cars and people were rushing by her in haste to take cover from the rain.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

BEE a hero

Baietii sau fetili de la WWF have done it again! Hilar si totusi very very true ca mai toate realitatile lumii moderne. Enjoy!


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

proiecte (in)credibile si (i)realizabile

Coolhunter imi spala astazi ochii cu 2 lucrari foarte foarte cool intr-adevar. Nu comentez pre mult va dau doar poze si linkuri:

comanda pentru astazi: un barbat compartimentat

It's always useful to have a multi-purpose man at home to help you out. From Librarian to office boy to guardian of precious objects,Compartment Man - and his substantial physical assets - are at your service. This amenable giant, with his 34 small, medium and large compartments will store anything you give him. Designed by Susi and Ueli Berger, Comportment Man is sold by the Swiss furniture editor Röthlisberger. Choose between a natural finish and stained black. Just don't forget that he can't talk back. by Yvan Rodic

Uneori imi doresc si eu sa te stiu compartimentat. Sa stiu cum si de unde sa iau umorul atunci cand nu te prinzi de glumele mele, sa stiu de unde sa iau solutia de curatat cand imi murdaresti ochelarii. Cred ca un barbat compartimentat si aprovizionat cu de toate lipseste multora dintre noi.
 Ieri ne-am surpins pe strada vorbind despre mancaruri preferate, culori sau parca te cunosteam pentru prima data. Daca ai fi fost compartimentat bine...m-as fi dus repede la raftul cu indexul tau si as fi gasit rapid cartile care povesesc despre pasiunile si gusturile tale. Daca ai fi fost in forma de raft de biblioteca ti-as fi largit unele rafturi iar pe altele probabil ca as fi lasat sa se asterne praful...Mi-as fi plasat colectia de mini-broaste testoase exact pe raftul central si mai vizibil al tau. Insa dupa ce as termina  cu re-decorarea compartimentelor tale...m-as fi bosumfla rau...pentru ca desi as avea un barbat-biblioteca pe gustul meu...n-ar fi decat una prelucrata si pe care as putea s-o modific mereu. Mi-e teama ca de atatea modificari te-as putea uza si dezasambla pana te-as distruge de tot. Iar toate cartile tale se vor degrada si pagini din ele vor zbura aiurea in vant...fara sa aiba ocazia sa le citeasca nimeni cum trebuie. Adevarul e ca trebuie un suport solid pentru tot continutul compatimentele ai dreptul TU sa ti le ajustezi pe parcurs asa cum vrei. Nu te vreau de lemn si ma bucur de structura ta osoasa si de coloana vertebrala dreapta si corecta. Daca mai imi las razlet si neglijent un carnetel de notite printre cartlle tale, tu- cel de acum, n-ai sa mi-l iei si sa-l pui in compartimentul corespunzator, ai sa-l lasi acolo si ai sa tii cont de el, fara sa te plangi ca ocupa spatiu aiurea.  Mai bine un barbat mai ne-calculat dar cu intentii bune si... rafturi ingaduitoare in biblioteca banala de la ikea pe care sa le umplem incet incet impreuna.


Thursday, October 09, 2008

moving in circles

Cred ca cel mai infricosator aspect al maturizarii este momentul in care realizezi ca ti-ai atins o limita. Ca persoana destul de analitica si introspectiva, incerc mereu sa evoluez, sa ma autodepasesc. Cel mai mult lucrez la defecte...pentru ca sunt mari si pentru ca am pierdut multe persoane dragi din viata mea din cauza lor...Insa stau uneori sa ma gandesc ca poate pierd prea mult timp cu asta. La fel de bine as putea sa incep sa ma accept asa cum sunt si sa traiesc viata mai imapacata cu mine focalizez atentia catre alte aspecte...externe... pe care poate as putea sa le imbunatatesc. E ciudat, dar cred ca multa lume nici nu realizeaza cand si-a atins o limita...pentru ca se misca in virtutea inertiei prin viata de la o etapa la alta, repetand mereu acealeasi greseli. Nu e de ajuns sa treaca timpul...e important sa inveti ceva din tot ce ai facut bine sau prost. Asta incerc si eu...deseori simt ca o iau de la capat, de la inceput...ciclic cum se desafasoara viata noastra.
Si totusi..."cercul nostru stramt" se poate largi....Cred ca doar asta putem nu incercam sa rupem firul, sa-i schimbam cursul, sa-l facem nu se mai roteasca, ci doar sa reusim sa inglobam cat mai mult in conturul delimitat de el. Uneori parca e mai frumos sa te bucuri de ce ai reusit sa cuprinzi in interiorul cercului tau, decat sa te tot chinui sa-i modifici forma.
Daca inca nu v-a plictisit acest text ...iata inca unul in care "maestrul "a reusit sa puna cuvintele mult mai frumos si mai bine decat acelasi sens insa (as vrea eu sa cred).


Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Heart's a mess

Ieri am fost la Anim'est...cred ca pentru prima oara de cand e acest festival la noi (I'm ashamed to admit) sectiunea music videos and advertising. Selectia n-a fost foarte impresionanta tin sa mentionez...foarte multe personaje Emo...taieri de vene...caderi in gol... in mare...clipuri dark si depresive... (mi s-a facut asa o pofta de un film Disney dupa ce am iesit...din ala cu cantecele si pasarele ciripind)...Au fost insa si cateva exceptii: Randes-vous...din partea Greciei (Rendez-vous’ Lena Platonos - Dir. Zina Papadopoulou, Petros Papadopoulos - Greece, 2008, 3’), Creation Museum (Creation Museum – Dinosaurs Dir.: Yellowshed, Todd Hemker, Soyeon Kim - USA, 2008, 0’30), a commercial for another film festival (Plakatkleber / Billsticker - International Trickfilm Festival Stuttgart trailer) - Dir. Conrad Tambour - Germany, 2008, 1’13 ) acest clip postat aici de care m-am indragostit...(Hearts a Mess’ Gotye - Dir. Brendan Cook – Australia, 2007, 4’40)
ye...artistul belgian are cateva chestii foarte misto de zis, daca dati un search pe youtube gasiti numai clipuri interesante de la el. Acum ascult melodia pe repeat...dc as fi fost in juriu in mod sigur intra la shortlist. Enjoy!


Friday, October 03, 2008

and back 2 our sheep

... adica intorcandu-ne la oile noastre ... mai bine zis...animalele noastre de casa. Iata doua descoperiri recente...dintr-o bucata...dar f tari...marcante asa ;)

Am lipsit ceva timp...

...dar am avut motive intemeiate...pot sa va aduc scutire ;)... de la preot.

Pentru a ne mai simt nici doar la nu prea pot sa vorbesc mai multe despre asta...Poate doar sa incurajez oamenii sa-si deschida sufletul mai mult (offline sau online ...daca sunt mai timizi)...pentru ca nu stiu daca e bine sau nu...dar eu l-am cunoscut pe "al meu pereche" pe blog. Asa ca datorez acestui blog macar o mentiune despre acest eveniment. Restul detaliilor sunt cam personale... deci the rest is they say...history in the making :D