MandarineSlice: February 2007


Hopefull pessimist...and I am sure the world has not seen enough of me...just as I have definitely not seen enough of it! ;)

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

less is more...than ever before

In advertising less is more...simplicity rules...The difference between art and advertising is that, in art, the tendancy over the centuries was to simplify and bring the message down to essentials, but it's a more intimate simplification, it's an insight into one particular artist's thoughts and feelings. An introspection.

In advertising the simplification comes out of the study of basic needs, feelings and thoughts of large groups of people. The message captures the essance of an individual as part of a group.
Art brings out that part of a person that makes him unique and special, it sets him aside from everyone else as he has something different to say.
Advertising brings out exactly the part of a person that is similar to that of his target group, it makes his similar to everyone else through human needs and desires and and it does this by saying it differently. Essance of universal truth as opposed to that of individual getting a bit too heavy on you?...sorry!
...all this was brought on by this series of WWF prints. These guys have fantastic advertising all over the world...These prints from CC&E Advertising, China prove my point. The thing with social campaigns is that not only do they have to find that essencial core of a human being that makes him react to a certain message the same way as others, but they have to make him take action...and that is a veru difficult task in these "comfortable stages" of man's evolution. Simple, to the point and fully respecting the brands arhitecture this is what WWF had to say ...
More animals need to be protected

The panda bear in WWF's logo is an endangered species, but any animal could take the place of the panda bear...and WWF is willing to "sacrifice" its logo to get this message through. You might think this is easy...and trivial...but, trust me, it takes a lot of thought and consideration to come up with the simplest of ideas.


Monday, February 26, 2007

Bucuresti - Bucu-cresti

Imi caut mai am timp sa mai am timp sa fac nimic. Bucurestiul poate fi un oras infernal daca incerci sa-l cunosti in nu spicuiesti doar, exploatandu-l pentru ce are mai bun! Cand trebuie sa-ti cauti casa...trebuie sa ii vezi toate cartierele...mai bune si mai rele...mai ales mai putin banii care putem sa-i dam noi pe chirie! E un gen de intimitate pe care nu mi-am dorit-o nicodata in mod deosebit cu acest tot sper sa plec din el...probabil pentru ca speranta moare cam ultima! Nu as vrea sa intru in detalii deprimate cum ar fi preturile unei garsoniere de inchiriat cu risc seismic ridicat sau cu pericol de explozie's too much for the peace and safe haven that I call my blog...
Insa...o concluzie tot pot sa trag...Pentru oricine se simte vrea sa se maturizeze f f f rapid...ii recomand o doza zdavana de stat pe cont propriu in Bucuresti. E dupa principiu..."what doesn't kill you, only makes you stronger". Aici daca stii sa conduci, poti conduce in orice oras din lume, daca stii sa te descurci...o sa faci fata oriunde...Daca mai poti ramane si politicos si cu bun simt trecand prin toate un loc garantat in rai sau oricum intr-o zona la fel de bine cotata din puncte de vedere post mortem imobiliar.
Now back to work...I've still got a lotta' growing up to do


Wednesday, February 21, 2007

e-volutia comunicarii

Am tot vrut sa scriu despre petrecerea suburbana la care am nimerit eu accidental sau pur intamplator, acelasi lucru. O petrecere am intzeles ca e unul din evenimentele "pe val" ale mondenitatii prin care imi mai tarasc si eu popul din cand in cand.
Asadar, saptamana trecuta, in cautarea unui ceai si a unei carti nimerit mijlocul unei proiectii de filmulete de grafica 3D sau asha ceva. Tot eram "amenintati" ca vom fi transferati la subsol...pentru o petrecere. La imboldul prietenei mele m-am lasat tra
nsferata si la subsol. Nu cunosteam pe nimeni in afara de ea...muzica era faina, decorul oarecum bizar dar intrigant...carti aruncate pe jos...un bol cu vin viert cu fructe...piscoturi bestiale...(nush cum de nu s-a golit instant platoul!!!). Toate datele unei petreceri reusite in stilul meu!
Nu pot vorbi pentru toate lumea de acolo...insa... eu nu am incercat sa cunosc pe nimeni de acolo, desi erau personae pe care as fi vrut sa le care le vad mereu in locurile prin care bantui...Fete cunoscute de "artisti neintelesi" , fete cunoscute de "artisti semi-celebri", fete necunoscute, dar interesante...vorbesc si de fete si de baieti deopotriva...Insa NU...Nu am intrat in vorba cu nimeni.
La un moment dat am avut insa o revelatie si m-am intors catre prietena mea neputand sa-mi tin ascuns gandul:
"Tu iti dai seama ca toata lumea de aici...sau mai toata lumea de putea sa aiba un blog!". Ce usor ne-ar fi fost atunci sa vorbim unii cu altii!!! Daca am fi fost fiecare conectat la un calculator, am fi putut citi gandurile virtuale ale fiecaruia, am fi putut face comentarii, am fi putut crea o legatura! Ce deschisi ar fi devenit toti atunci!...Cate masti inutile sau de super-moderne ar fi fost facute tzandari!!!
E putin trist intr-a
devar ca nu ma mai "pot conecta" cu oameni, ci ma pot doar "conecta la oameni" prin intermediul unui calculator! Cred insa ca multi sunt in situatia mea.
Eram mult mai de
schisa si sociabila inainte. Orice masa vecina dintr-un club putea constitui un potential "cuib" de viitoare bagam in seama...radeam faceam glume...insa in mare parte reactiile erau acelasi... parca puteam sa citesc gandurile pe fata lor ..."ce disperata o mai fi s'asta!... O fi pusa pe agatzat?...ce puii mei nu ma lasi sa-mi termin bere in pace???"
Oamenii aceia venisera cu grupul lor de prieteni sau doar cu grijile si frustrarile lor si nu erau dispusi sa le imparta asha cu altii face to face! Dar oare de ce atunci cand ne ascundem in spatele unui ecran si a unei tastaturi, ne vine mai usor? Spre ce se indreapta comunicarea intre fiintele umane.
Mai sunt oare la fel de apreciate tonurile, tonalitatile, inflexiunile vocii...mai e limbajul non-verbal 70% din conversatie, cand majoritatea conversatiilor pe care le purtam in prezent, chiar si cu cei dragi, sunt fie pe mess, pe mail, pe blog sau pe nush ce chat? Eu ma exprim mai bine in scris...mi-am cunoscut prieteni in scris...mi-am obtinut slujba in scris. Nici nu stiam ca stiu sa scriu...scrisul a venit peste mine si mi-a aratat ca ma fac mai bine inteleasa asha. What's your excuse?
Cu toate acestea...vreau inca sa cunosc oameni si sa ma descurc in situatii offline. Dar cum? Cand? Unde? E greu si sincer...sunt obosita...tastele sunt mai comode si mai safe...dar tastele batin acelasi ritm, n-or sa tasteze niciodata in voci sau in ritmul totusi...totusi patratelele astea reci si prafuite sunt pro
babil cele prin care simt cele mai dese "atingeri" umane!

Pentru Roxana...sperand ca eu nu te cunosc de pe mess ... nici tu...;)


Monday, February 19, 2007

ad new stuff / new ad stuff

On the menu today we have: large over-explicit billboard illustrating the softness of a certain detergent

...a sexy zoom-in feature from nokia

...and relentness mail-man/delivery-man/super hero

...if only everything else involving products, services and advertising was as quick and efficient...

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Saturday, February 17, 2007

cuvinte de bumbac


Zi de zi ne bumbacim printre cuvinte. Pentru mine e un spectacol fascinant! As vrea sa am timp uneori sa notez toate cuvintele de bumbac pe care le aud sau citesc zilnic. Zilele trecute am fost sa vorbesc cu "Big Chief" de o marire. Dupa o serie lunga de cuvinte captusite maxim cu bumbac, normal ca rezultatul a fost acelasi
"No kk"'n banc...

Dar e mishto sa stai sa inregistrezi discursul uns cu toate genurile de alifii ale unui sef plin de experienta afaceri. Gasesti acolo cate o alifie pentru orice gen de afectiune sau durere: dureri reumatice de la carat responsabilitatea muncii in echipa pentru toti...pac...a gasit un unguent reumatic, durere de ochi din cauza vizualurilor in care rar avem vre-un cuvant de spus...sau din cauza promisiunilor sau principiilor pe care rar le vezi vreodata respectate...unguent oftalmic...Nu intru in dureri si afectiuni mai intime, desi desigur s-ar gasi solutii si pentru alea...doar nu in bani...e
inca prematur sa vorbim de bani!
Revenind la cuvintele de mai poti auzi si din partea unuia care habar n-are ce trebuie sa spuna, dar a
bereaza cu gratie pe langa subiect. Acestea sunt genul de cuvinte ale caror itze n-ai cum sa le dezlegi...
Mai sunt si genul de cuvinte de bumbac care sunt atat de incarcate ca exista destul material acolo pentru un pulover si poate chiar o pereche de sosete si un tricou. Sunt genul de cuvinte care ies din gura celor care iti "vor binele" si iti "sunt devotati" nu mai prididesc in sfaturi care ti-ar prinde bine ( a se te indeamna sa faci ceea ce lor le-ar prinde bine). E lumea plina, plina si de cuvantatori din la cei care lucreaza in advertizeri (adica ma rusine in categorie) barbati presedinti de tara si tot felul de obscuri oameni politici...pana chiar la doctori si farmacisti interesati sa onoreze nush ce intelegeri cu vre-o companie producatoare de medicamente...
Mai exista un gen de cuvinte de mi se pare singurele ce se pot justifica cat de cat...Atunci cand te vezi nevoit sa vorbesti pentru prima oara cu cineva si nu stii exact cum sa incepi...tatonezi...faci incercari camuflate de pe margine sa ajungi la ceva mai esential despre el...

Cuvintele de bumbac ne protejeaza, ne fac sa
ne simtim superiori ca suntem capabili sa bagam pe altii in ceatza...pardon... in fac sa ne simtim inventivi si abili...cand tot ce fac de fapt e sa incarce o comunicare si asa greoaie...
Pentru ca sunt un om pentru ca de multe ori "mi-o iau" la greu pe tema rog totusi conversatiile cu mine....GET TO THE asa avem putin timp pe lumea asta. Bumbacul e bun, dar mai ales in cuvinte are un mod fantastic de a rduce orice conversatie la un simplu ghem incurcat de ite...demn de aruncat in cosul motanului meu!


no comment

Poza facut in Iasi, intr-un microbuz, anul trecut aproape de trecerea dintre ani...
(Cred ca acolo nivelul de intimitate al pasagerilor cu hotii este deja muult mai mare decat in capitala...
Si daca ar fi sa stam drept si sa judecam stramb...adevarul e ca nu sunt nici hoti "de buzunare" doar nu-ti fura buzunarele ci doar ce e in ele) ;)

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

the blog connection

I am not too much into this blog phenomena...the reason I got into in the first place was because it's a great source of people's insights... (strategic planners - all around the world- you don't know what you're missing !!!). I decided to have a personal blog because I am not that disciplined to keep to a certain theme...I have never regreted my decision. The greatest feeling that I have ever been given while surfing the blog was the blog connection or the blog contact as I just started to call it.
The blog contact is a type of more intimate eye contact.
You know when you're in a crowd and you meet someone's eyes and make an instant connection? You know when you're exchanging ides with a person and all of a sudden you hear that certain click and it all starts to make sense? You know when you're reading a book or a famous quote and you immediately identify with what's being said or have an instant revelation? Those are the kind of kicks I get from blogs...That instant recognition of someone close to your heart or of someone's words you can identify with...of someone that seems to give meaning and expression to feelings that were always there, but you just never knew how to make them come out.
People are more intimate on blogs...that's probably the reason why corporate blogs were make a corporation seem more human to bring it closer to its consumer.
People open up more when they're not face to face with's amazing what can hide behind a computer screen!
Blogs are manipulative or over-emotional...sometimes misleading...sometimes creating words or images of people that can never really exist offline. But it's a fantastic world at that ...We've come to a point of civilization where people have the greatest technical means of staying connected, but not much real human foundation for doing so. I'd like to think of the blogosphere as a collection of some of these lost souls that still feel they want to talk and connect themselves to the world, but are to shy or limited by time and space to do it any other way. Quite like an ocean of confused currents given a direction in which to flow. I am greatful to have entered such a world and to have met so many interesting virtual people...I don't really need to know how most of them are in real life...I just need to keep writing and reading their thoughts and making this weird human contact. It's strange ...but I speak to people every day outloud...on the phone...face to face...on a chat room....but it's here... this "mandarine slice" the only place I feel I ever really make myself heard!


Monday, February 12, 2007

need-to-know, need-to-go, need-to-forget places

The thing that I remeber best about places, the thing that makes me think of them even when I am not actually there...the thing that makes me automatically press "refresh" in my head are the feelings ans sensations I had when I was there...
...the smell, the rush, the deja-vu feeling (when you pass by a wall or step on a piece of pavement you think you've been on before, when you are impressed by vivid colors in a grey city, when you find flowers on an arid piece of land...when you find Hundertwasser on a symetrical, quite boring vienese building, when you find the place you think you might have been born in, but your parents probably didn't have enough money so they moved out)
... the music playing in the background, the music it made me think of ...(when I go to Arenele Romane I will always think of Placebo, when I think of a tram in Viena I will always see Bono playing the drums while singing Sunday Bloody Sunday, when I think of how we met on the Internet...I will always think of "Under the weather" by KT Tunstall)
...the taste of the food I ate there (so delicious that you actually associate a place with a taste...isn't that actaully think of the park near BulandraTheatre as a "delicious, wholesome" place?)
...the words that took me there (for example when you say hillside or port I think of Salonic, but I can also think of it when you say punk comunity or ask me where I would like to live)
...the light that strikes it in a special way (morning sunrays through my window, crystal blue water on a beach in Italy, the cats at the Colloseum)
...the attitude flowing in the atmoshpere or the atmosphere given by the attitude...the clothes I was wearing... (snobs and more snobs making a place look snobbish, Fire or B52 and what it's not anymore...a new place I just discovered that made me drop all my predudices regarding people and good music and the connection to the way they dress)
...the heaven I felt the first time I heard those 3 words...and how sunny and beautiful , my otherwise dull and ugly neighborhood looked
Photos courtesy from here


Sunday, February 11, 2007

wild and mild stages of me

Aseara am iesit...fosta Fire-ista din mine vroia un "outting" ca pe mult fum si tzopaiala si frenezie naturala ... Observ cu uimire dar placere ca nu mai sunt cine am fost...nici atunci nu prea eram eu, dar ma imbatam cu apa rece crezand ca am sa-mi gasesc cavalerul salvator intr-un beci uitat de lume unde poate singura salvare ramas multora era si este bautura. Salvarea mea de atunci era muzica...aku 5 ani...mind you...muzica cum nu se putea auzi in nici un alt loc din Bucuresti...nici macar acasa la mine...pentru ca de abia stiam ce-i aia un mp3, apai sa-mi mai si downlodez de undeva piese. Mergeam sa ma invatz sa ascult muzica...simteam o energie fantastica si dantuiam toata seara de toti se intrebau cum de am atat energie. Eram in grupul meu de fete cu toate fascinate de cate un specimen anume sau de mai toate ferm convinse ca nu o sa ne gasim jumatatea in baruri si cluburi...dar in acelasi timp incapatanate in iesirile dese care mai de care mai pline de insuccese. Am intrat ieri in B sperand sa regasesc aceeasi energie unica si veselie cu care ma mandream cand eram "mica" schimb doar fum...mult mult fum si inghesuiala cat cuprinde...
M-am uitat la mi-am dat seama ca am depasit demult acel stadiu al vietii m-am m-am sedat..doar k's in perioada mult mai mild a vietii mele si un zambet din partea omului pe care il iubesc suplineste pentru toata acea energie exhaustiva si superficiala de mai demult. cred ca incep sa realizez avantajele maturizarii...cred ca incep in sfarsit sa apreciz cine sunt si viata pe care o am acum. Fiecare stadiu din viata e important dar pe unele le traim in fum si zbucium pe altele in armonie si intelegere...
Muzica buna ramane...dar cluburile s-au schimbat...oamenii pe care ii stiu eu au plecat iar acum muzica buna pot s-o ascult oriunde pentru ca o am in mine si o port cu mine oricand...

Doar ca cel mai important mai e acel loc ascuns in intunecat unde sa uit cine sunt...acum stiu cine sunt si cel mai important a devenit "cu cine" o ascult si ...
cu tine... viata mea e de o mie de ori mai melodioasa ;)

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Thursday, February 08, 2007

despre albine si felii de mandarine

ieri...a disparut albina din mine! A zburat de pe floarea mea...Se saturase de felul meu incert, inert si posomorat de a ma mai recunostea...

Ea e plina de viata...bazzaie tot timpul...zboara...e activa..e atenta...e prietenoasa...funny...energica...tzepoasa...frumoasa...

Eu...dixtrusa...indispusa...mereu in cautare de comparatie si de apreciere cu sau de la cei din valoare...mereu nemultumita ca o floare ofilita... Albina e partea aceea din mine care spune cand ceva nu-i convine! E bucata tzopaitoare si tzafnoasa, dar si saritoare si fie!!! Am realizat ca iubesc acesta parte din mine, tocmai cand era sa ma cufund de tot in negura si sa gust din cea mai neagra si stricata felie din mandarina. N-am sa fiu niciodata 100% albina pentru ca nu pot sa zbor...dar imi place sa sa fiu mai mult decat o simpla insecta pamantie si cu picioarele pe pamant. Pana la urma ce e asa rau sa te lasi imbatat de parfumul florilor si sa te bucuri de soare fara sa te gandesti la incalzirea globala sau la radiatii sau la cine stie ce alte lucruri mai putin reusite ale lumii contemporane??? Si sa vedeti ce insecta loilala si dedicata e ...albina s-a intors azi de dimineatza inapoi la mine odata cu inceputul zilelor frumoase si insorite... Stie ca nu ma tine mult....stie ca soarele rasare de regula a doua ei ii place sa scalde in soare pe petalele unei flori din mandarinul inflorit aiurea dar miraculos in mijlocul unei strazi asfaltate din Bucuresti! Momentan albina imi sufla bezzzele de pe sezlongul ei strategic asezat astfel incat razele soarelui sa-i gadile cat mai voios burtica ei dungata si pufoasa. E mandra de mine albina azi! Si azi e o zi frumoasa! (ps. poza e pe m-am putut abtine)


Wednesday, February 07, 2007


" Ma intreb daca de fapt nu imi regizez propria minciuna- viata- doar ca sa am iluzia unui final in filmele americane"!


just ignore me on your way to better blogs

I'm in that dark place again...a place I haven't visited in along time...or at least I knocked at its door, but I haven't really stayed around long enough for it to answer...or maybe I just visited it briefley like I do my grandmother so I don't reach the boiling point where she'll gets me so mad I'll start screaming and yelling at her like a maniac. Yes...I have a dark side...perhaps the deepest and truest side of me. It's darker and deeper than most that of most people I know. Adi said to me yesterdy that when I start getting gloomy and dark I start sinking and I never stop until I reach the very bottom and there's no place left to go. I for one thought that I was always a fighter because I am able to get myself up again after I had been so low...but no...he's right...I let myself go...without even trying to swim to the top first. I am quitter...I am really stearing towards the place I belong.
I'm listening to Placebo...I always do that when I am gloomy...their music defines my state. I have very good memories of 'the guys' when I went to their concert this summer...the energy...the empowerment I felt that is one thing and listening to them on the fucking iTunes player is another (Just as another gloomy aspect of my existance ...I hate iTunes 'cose I feel it makes me feel so limited...with its alternative playlists and stuffed with album advertisements...It really limits my choices. I always have to keep my music in the same freakin' folder otherwise "the ol' performant iTunes" won't recognise the me that's not really peformance...and I really don't feel I need to have lists and list is that only defines my state then and their)...whetever
Getting back to my gloomy side...I guess sometimes I feel that's the only real part of me. It's the only place where I am comfortable with myself. No ambitions to make myself better! When you've reached the bottom it's quite safe...I mean...there's no more fearing the worse...there's no more wishing you were better...because you're's obvious...isn't it?!?! You're the botttom...which proves you're not strong enough to be anywhere else...And you're actually comfortable there...which proves that's where you belong!
Sometimes I think I am if I am useless, therefore so is this just reflects the vacancy inside of me. It's just a proof that I have nothing interesting to say to the world...I have a pretty nice blogroll though...yeah...I've always been good at spotting skip any kinnda text from me on your way to my blog list of links! That at least will give me the self-fulfilling feeling of an effcient intermediate. Maybe that's what I am good at? Not standing in the way of people's greatness. Maybe I could make a career out of that! How much would such a job pay?
It only happens when I don't love myself anymore... I doubt I ever truly do, but sometimes I go into courtship with Myself just too see if we can make things work...But today is just one of those days when Myself hung up on me, won't return my calls and erases my e-mails without even reading them...ooohh... I am really mad at Myself today...and yet whenever we have a fight like this I start feeling...
useless....and the feeling the perpetuates...
I am thinking of asking for a raise...

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

just when you thought u were rid of me...

I made the headlines ...again! This time due to lack of time ;)
Hope you enjoy!

Friday, February 02, 2007


Mi-am inceput dimineatza cu spoturi dintre care asta mi-a setat buna dispozitia pe ziua de azi si asta m-a facut sa ma simt prost...k am capul "prea usor" !
Am cugetat la nemurirea dualitatea personalitatii cate persoane diferite trebuie sa fiu in fiecare zi si la ce am in comun cu fiecare dintre ele...apoi am ascultat Masterplan de la Oasis si m-am gandit ca trebuie sa fac parte si eu din planul cuiva...poate chiar al Universului...daca nu e prea ocupat...of cors!
Am o dispozitie de zile mari...pentru ca vine week-endul ...I suppose... si pentru ca probabil iar am sa ratez evenimentele mondene underground si de la sfarsitul asta de saptamana!
Trebuie sa-mi fac si eu un Masterplan si sa-i fiu Master...adica sa ma tin de el...dar...fuck it...vine week-endul..week-endul nu tre sa aiba un plan tre sa fie doar fain!
In incheierea acestui mult-prea-inspirat-post va mai dedic un spot
sa ne fie week-endul KAFKA!

Thursday, February 01, 2007

ecological guerilla advertising

Thank God for AdHunt ...made my day ...with this fresh exemple of both guerilla and social-environmental advertising...
The idea is so simple...(simple is, after all, the source of most genious in advertising)...yet so effective...Effective in the sense that it shows "effects" not just plain messages.
Now the question is...effective for whom? The people passing by ...or the driver itself. The first two pictures show the idea not so well thought out as only a very observant passer-by could get the point. The drivermight find it impossible to understand. He would have to be inside his car, starting his engine for the baloon to blow up and become visable...and then for it to pop...
As it pops the driver would probably freak out and come out to discover the leftover of a baloon and be even more confused, thinking it was just a bad joke.

The following 3 pictures show the same campaign done right this time! The message is left standing for the driver to see along with the after-effects! Very nice!
Two thumbs up!

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